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Diverse Diversity

With the changes that the world is going through, I decided to title this blog “Diverse Diversity”. That’s what we need today. The blog thought is inspired by one of my favorite writers because not only is she a strong black woman, a deeply devout and spirited philosophical mind, but she is just as well a respected and loved woman by not only her own kind, but by a society of diverse people because of her message. She says she has ‘rainbows in her clouds’ which are four words that have so much meaning. We have clouds, yes we all do. We have troubles, and insurmountable worries that seem to just hang over us to rain on any kind of goodness that we can potentially see as being life giving… but then; those rainbows shine through to display shimmers of hope reminding us that the clouds come, but then so do the rainbows. Of course rainbows to me have this whole spiritual meaning that I got from what I understand biblically. Rainbows was initially placed as a promise by our Universal Creator to signify his patience and tolerance of the activities of mankind. But the way that Maya uses rainbows seems to signify diversity. When a cloud of trouble comes to her she has the strength of diversity in that she has developed relationships throughout cultures which helps her get through it.

She also wrote the autobiography titled “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings”. I can only imagine trying to learn to sing or trying to be positive while experiencing a life of containment. Although I am an introvert at heart, the thought of having someone dictate to me what I can do, or where I can go makes me want to defy that logic. But I am thankful for her spirit and that she was willing to share her experiences to help others deal with the type of adversity that had come of over life at one period in time.



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